Nashville – Part 3


Do we need to talk about how The Hubster basically went full-on cowboy in Nashville?

I mean, he got the Stetson because the other similar one wasn’t “authentic” enough and the plaid shirt was very important to him.

He didn’t find a pair of boots while we were there that were in his price range. He considered these ones but they were a little bit expensive for him. Especially when I pointed out that he would only wear them in Nashville and Texas. 😉

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Nashville – Part 1

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Oh my goodness – we just got home from Nashville and it did not disappoint! We had so much fun and we for sure have to plan to go back.

** Edited to add – we left this amazing city about 24 hours after the tornadoes hit. Some of the devastation from them were only a mile or two from places were visited. Our thoughts and prayers go to all the people of the city. We so appreciate their hospitality and send our love to them.**

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Christmas Vacation! :)


I hope you guys had a fantastic Christmas!!

The Hubster and I had a great day with some friends who are family and we head off to visit some family for a few days now.

I’m going to take a few days off – I have some scheduled posts through the end of the year, but I’ll return to my regularly scheduled programming on January 6.

Until then – hope you’re having a great holiday season!