What’s Up Wednesday

What's Up Wednesday Graphic

Yeah! It’s time to link up with  Shay and Sheaffer to talk about What’s Up Wednesday for July!

But that also means that summer is half over and I don’t know I’m okay with that. lol

[what we’re eating]


I cannot stop building and eating cheese boards.

I keep telling myself cheese = calcium, right?

So it’s healthy!

[what i’m reminiscing about]


Missing all the fun we had when we visited The Biltmore last summer.

We’re going to have to go back there sometime soon!

[what i’m loving]

Image result for hallmark christmas in july

I cannot stop myself with the Christmas in July movies.

I know it’s 9 million degrees outside.

But I love me some Christmas movies.

[what we’ve been up to]


Fishing boat adventures have been so much fun and we need to keep doing them as much as possible!

[what i’m dreading]

Nothing – it’s going pretty great around here!

[what i’m working on]

Image result for garage sale meme

We’re having a garage sale this weekend.

I have promised The Hubster that we would get rid of a lot of stuff we don’t use.

And that at the end of the day I would take the remaining items to Goodwill and not look back.

I’m having trouble parting with some things that I probably should.

I’m also probably parting with things that I should hang on to.

Like the chair in the spare room that we never sit on but I think once it’s gone I’m going to be mad.


[what i’m excited about]

Image result for god parents

We just got asked to be godparents for our friends’ daughter.

We’re so honored that they would ask us to be there for them.

The Hubster and I are really wracking up godchildren now – we have 5 between the 2 of us!

[what i’m watching/reading]

Image result for the bachelorette

I have a well documented love of the Bachelor and Bachelorette.

This season is no different and I am not sure what I’ll be doing on Monday nights now.

Image result for heels of steel

I saw Heels of Steel on the shelf at Target and thought it would be a fun summer read. And I’ve been looking for something like this.

[what i’m listening to]

Image result for pontoon little big town

We can’t stop listening to Pontoon by Little Big Town.

We heard it a few weeks ago and now it’s pretty much on repeat.

It’s very catchy and I’m not kidding, we sing it all the time.

[what i’m wearing]


Top: Gibson x Hi Sugarplum Bonita Ruffled Tank | Nordstrom
Pants: Gibson x Hi Sugarplum Milon Wide Leg Paperbag Pants | Nordstrom
Sandals: Tory Burch Miller Flip Flop | Nordstrom

Not a super great picture, but this outfit is so darn comfortable that if it wasn’t so recognizable, I would wear it every single day.

Why did it take me so long to get on board with the paper bag  pants?!?! They’re like wearing jammies!

[what i’m looking forward to next month]

Image result for charleston sc beaches

Spending a few days at the beach is going to be amazing! 🙂

Please pray for zero hurricanes and hopefully the weather won’t be 800 million degrees. 🙂

[what else is new]

Image result for retirement party

I’m throwing a retirement party for one of our co-workers today.

He’s not really retiring because he wants to work 8 hours a week, but he wants to be done with coming in early every day and all the other responsibilities.

I mean, I could totally go for that job.

If only I didn’t like buying so much stuff on Amazon…


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