Friday Favorites

Is everyone else having a super weird week?

This weather is enough to make me bonkers. It’s not too cold. It’s so cold I can’t be in the garage for more than 2 seconds. It’s raining. It’s snowing. It’s dark in the middle of the day.

I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea to share my favorites from the week.


Image result for fleetwood mac

I’ve been listening to Fleetwood Mac non-stop over here.

No reason why, I’m just loving it this week.

The Hubster wants to know why I’m listening to waiting room music all day.

Boo – he just doesn’t know.


Image result for side part and skinny jeans

Can I ask you guys a question?

If I’m not on a side part (which I’ve had since 4th grade), what do I do with my hair?

Messy bun?

I’m not a fan of the middle part.

I’ve basically worn boot leg or skinny jeans for the last 20 years.

The paper bag jeans make me look like someone wearing pants that are way too big.

These Mom Jeans are not flattering on anyone.

I would know – I wore them in the 90s to high school! It was not my best look.

I think I’m going to just keep going the way things are and see what else comes out.


Narwhal Free For All Game - image 1 of 4

My niece and I played Narwhal Free For All and it was really cute.

We all really enjoyed flinging the rings but had less fun being the person that turns the wheel to make the water go around.

Oh yes…there’s water in this game.

That does not work with a 5 year old when she wants to play in the living room. hahah

It is fun and she was super happy that it was her favorite colors: light blue, pink, and purple. 🙂



Why am I looking at bathing suits when it’s 12 degrees outside and I have zero plans to be somewhere I can swim?

I’m totally loving this top and the matching bottoms.


I have no idea if this is true.

But yikes!

Poor Ernie! hahaha

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