Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

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I’m linking up with ErikaNarci, and Andrea to share my favorite things this week!


Image result for tootsie pop drops

I’ve been eating a ton of Tootsie Pop Drops.

They’re like tootsie pops but without the stick.

It’s pretty great and they’re a fun snack.

Minus the grape.


I’m not a fan of grape.


Quarry Women’s Out ’N About™ Plus Felt Boot , View 0

I’m really digging these Sorel booties.

I know I don’t *need* them, but I kind of want them to be in my rotation this winter.



One of my co-workers is leaving for a new job and one of the other girls in the office got sad and mad and TP’d his cubicle.

It was hilarious.

Love my co-workers!

They have threatened that there is something planned for every day until he leaves, so I can’t wait to see what else they have planned.



Last weekend when we were camping, The Hubster had to run into a local home improvement store for some plumbing fittings and I parked myself on their summer furniture to wait for him.

It was really quite comfortable.

Then a manager came over and asked if I needed some help. I politely declined and told him I was waiting for my husband who was in plumbing.

The next thing I hear is an employee asking the manager to help a gentleman in plumbing and the manager booked it over to that aisle.

I had a feeling he wanted me to get the heck off his furniture.

It was nice patio furniture though.


Image result for taylor swift lover

I’m totally loving Taylor Swift’s new album.

It’s on repeat in my car this week.

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